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The Ultimate Guide to Natural Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats

Have you ever pondered, “What can I give my dog for pain?” or “What can I give my cat for pain?” If you’re a pet parent, you’ve undoubtedly had this question. There are a variety of treatments available to help pet owners relieve pain, but many dogs and cats are looking for safe, natural pain relief.

Other OTC pain relievers include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other over-the-counter pain medications that are readily accessible and frequently taken because they work quickly. However, they don’t go to the source of the problem. They hide the symptoms rather than treating the cause of the suffering. Furthermore, they are also frequently linked with unwelcome side effects.

Natural Alternative for Pain Management

If you’re looking for something nice to give your dog or cat for pain, CBD from a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract is an excellent option as a substitute for prescription pain medications. CBD and the other cannabinoids found in a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract provide a wide range of health-promoting benefits, with special applications for reducing pain caused by inflammation, trauma, chemotherapy, age, arthritis, and hip dysplasia in dogs.

CBD for Pain Relief for Cats and Dogs

Cannabis has been used as a pain reliever for thousands of years. Cannabis has been used for pain and inflammation in the joints since ancient times. CBD has long been known to reduce pain and inflammation in studies of humans and animals.

Cannabidiol (CBD) works by changing how the central nervous system communicates pain to the brain, allowing you to feel better and avoid dangerous side effects. The damaged tissue, for example, when your pet is hurt, activates the inflammatory and immune cells to begin repairing the damage. The intestines contain nerve fibers, which are activated by chemicals and proteins secreted by these cells. These nerve signals move up the spinal cord and into the brain, triggering our discomfort or that of our pets. CBD can be used to relieve pain safely and effectively by reducing these pain sensations.

The Benefits of CBD for Inflammation

Furthermore, the cannabinoids in a Full Spectrum Hemp Extract that reduce inflammation are present and numerous. THC and CBD are the two most common components in cannabis. Both have significant anti-inflammatory effects. Cannabinoids have been clinically shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. THCV, CBG, and CBC are cannabinoids that have also revealed benefits against inflammation.

We recognize that inflammation is a typical side effect of almost every illness. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, has been shown in many studies to be neither a side effect nor simply an annoyance. It is now believed that chronic inflammation may cause and exacerbate numerous diseases. Chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and autoimmune disease are all examples of diseases linked to inflammation. We’re treating the source of the problem as well as preventing discomfort by reducing inflammation. There are more possible benefits for natural pain relief for dogs.

What’s the Difference Between CBD and Prescription Pain Medication?

For pain, many pet parents and even veterinarians turn to over-the-counter medicines like as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For more severe discomfort, veterinarians frequently give Gabapentin or Tramadol. They’re chosen for their quick action on pain or inflammation. Unfortunately, they don’t tackle the underlying issue and are frequently accompanied by terrible adverse effects.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Although nonaspirin NSAIDs, such as Aspirin, have the potential to induce negative effects and some of which can be deadly. Long-term NSAID usage can have a detrimental impact on the functioning of a dog’s liver, kidneys, and stomach. Vomiting is one of the most typical adverse effects of NSAIDs, as they target COX-1 enzymes in the stomach and intestinal tracts.

Gastrointestinal ulcers are a more serious frequent adverse effect of NSAIDs. The GI tract’s inability to send out what are essentially the body’s guards is due to NSAIDs. Because the enzymes are unable to function, the stomach barrier that is supposed to safeguard cells and blood vessels from harm isn’t able to operate. Gastrointestinal ulceration may result as a consequence of this.


Gabapentin is also a pain medication, which means it can help with both chronic and neuropathic discomfort. It’s most commonly used to treat chronic pain caused by degenerative joint disease.

Gabapentin can cause vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B1, and folate deficiencies, all of which are required for nerve healing. These symptoms might cause a delay in recuperation and, in some cases, other serious health issues. Sedation, tiredness, coordination difficulties, nausea, sadness, excessive sleepiness, and diarrhea are all typical side effects. Over time, most dogs develop a tolerance to acetaminophen; as a result of this tolerance development , higher dosages are required to attain the pain relieving effects.


Tramadol is an opioid that, while marketed as less addictive than other prescription opioids, can still be habit-forming. Dogs may develop a tolerance after continuous use, necessitating higher dosages, which can result in liver damage, overdose, and death. Tramadol has also been linked to canine seizures. 

It’s hard to generalize about tramadol because it has so many diverse uses. Even without abuse or overdose, it has a number of potentially dangerous side effects. Sedation, drowsiness, dizziness, slowed heart rate upset stomach constipation are all common tramadol side effects.

CBD for Pain Management: What is the Research?

CBD has been found to be beneficial for dogs with acute and chronic pain, according to a 2006 study published in Current Neuropharmacology. Compounds found in cannabis were discovered to have anti-inflammatory and neuropathic natural pain relief for dogs properties.

CBD reduced pain and increased activity in dogs with Osteoarthritis, according to an 8-month, double-blind study conducted by Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. They discovered that dogs who were treated with CBD had a significant reduction in pain as well as an increase in activity without any negative side effects.

Finally, a 2015 study conducted by the University of Kentucky Colleges of Pharmacy and Medicine studied the effectiveness of transdermal CBD administration for pain and inflammation in rats. Transdermal CBD effectively reduced joint swelling and discomfort in the rats, with no apparent side effects.

What Is the dosages for CBD in Dogs and Cats?

To begin with, the optimal dose of CBD for cats with pain, or other pets with pain, has little to do with size and weight. Sensitivity varies considerably among dogs, and it may fluctuate over time as a result of age, chronic illness, or other factors. We feel that dosage is best determined by taking into account each animal’s unique physiological status.

Depending on the severity of the pain, we may recommend our Premium CBD Oil for cats and dogs, as our best CBD for pain management. We also recommend our Premium CBD Pet Treats if you have a picky eater, they are easy to feed to your pet and obsession worthy.

Final Thoughts

Remember that each animal is unique, so we recommend starting with a low dose and adjusting as needed to determine your pet’s optimal dosage when using natural pain relief for dogs. Prepare to experiment with dosages during the first few weeks of treatment to see what works best for your pet.

Many pet parents are concerned that giving their pets too much CBD would be harmful. When a pet isn’t seeming to benefit from CBD, it’s frequently due to a lack of dosage. At dosages up to 640 mg, CBD has been proved safe for dogs and cats! So consider CBD oil for cats with pain. The most common adverse effect of CBD in dogs and cats is diarrhea, which is a typical result of introducing any new supplement to their diet.

So, if you’re a pet parent who’s concerned about trying new dosage amounts, don’t worry; it’s perfectly safe.