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Cat CBD Dosage and Everything About CBD For Cats

If you’ve just acquired a cat or are happily caring for a long-time feline companion, you might have considered adding CBD oil to their daily regimen to help support their overall health. Because we’re constantly bombarded with new CBD pet items, many of us may not know what ones to pick. Let alone, know the proper cat CBD dosage.

This blog will discuss how veterinary-formulated full-spectrum hemp oil, such as our Premium CBD oil for dogs and cats, can benefit your cat’s health in a variety of ways and help to maintain their general health. The most frequent reasons that pet owners employ Companna CBD are to help maintain calm, support joint mobility, support normal brain function, and promote good GI health; so let’s look at how CBD oil can benefit your cat.

Cat behavior

Understanding your cat and their usual behavior will help you detect if they’re not feeling well. If you keep tabs on your cat’s emotions and actions, and maintain a strong bond with her, you’ll be able to detect illness early and see your doctor when she’s out of sorts.

Healthy cats are active, inquisitive, and humorous. If your cat’s appetite or drinking habits change, it could be a sign of illness ranging from digestion to hygiene to energy to even how mentally engaged they are. When your cat isn’t feeling well, they may groom less and this might be an indication of joint stiffness or a sore mouth. 

Seasonal allergies are one of the most common causes of ear allergy and nose discharge. Gum color is also important in a cat’s health, particularly when it comes to circulation; gum color can be an indicator of good circulation or other concerns associated with iron deficiencies or general gum health. Sore teeth can cause toothaches, eating problems, and behavioral issues.

Selecting safe parasite control, up-to-date immunizations, neutering and spaying, and constant 24/7 cat care not only entails understanding the advantages of excellent nutrition and mental stimulation but also getting in touch with your veterinarian as soon as possible if you notice a health problem.

All of this being said, regular veterinary health checks are an essential component of pet care, regardless of whether you notice symptoms or not. If a health issue appears to be getting worse, but you didn’t think it was on the day-to-day at home, then performing this step will help prevent it from getting any worse. It’s critical to provide your pet with regular veterinary care since it is an essential component of animal health. It should be part of your pet’s health regimen.

What is CBD?

With cannabidiol (CBD) being one of the trendiest products in pet and human health today, understanding CBD’s potential benefits before choosing from the vast array of CBD products means understanding cannabinoids and the differences between THC and CBD.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It is a terpene phenolic chemical formed from decarboxylation of a cannabidiolic acid precursor, although it may also be manufactured synthetically.

Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid found in the hemp and cannabis plants that does not have intoxicating effects when it lacks delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical responsible for the “high” sensation.

CBD is a safe, natural substance that, when consumed as an organic, non-GMO, gluten-free CBD product, is generally secure for people and pets.

Cannabis plants cultivated for their psychoactive effects, such as THC, produce small amounts of CBD. The leaves and flowers of the hemp plant are where most CBD is found. When cannabis plants are grown specifically for their intoxicating effects, such as THC and CBN, they don’t contain much CBD. The legal THC level for most CBD products in the United States is 0.3%, and you’ll never find more than that in our Companna CBD Tincture.

What is CBD for cats?

When purchasing any CBD product, the most important factor to consider is whether it consists of an isolate or full-spectrum oil. Full-spectrum hemp oil contains all of the cannabinoids and terpenes found in industrial hemp. It is free of THC and has a THC concentration of less than .3% as required by federal law.

When all of the plant is consumed, though, the CBD oil produced from it has a higher number of health advantages owing to the additional phytonutrients present in it as a result of the terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds. With full-spectrum oil, you’re getting everything to work together to create the “entourage effect,” resulting in optimal health benefits for your pet.

Companna CBD is a high-quality, full-spectrum oil made from top-shelf American hemp containing phytocannabinoids such as CBD and CBG.

CBD benefits for not just cats, but for all pets include:

  • Supporting healthy joints
  • Supporting normal brain function
  • Supporting normal GI function
  • Providing a calming effect

CBD’s effect on your pet’s natural endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for and plays a role in almost every major system in your body, including nerves, digestion, and mood, explains the advantages listed above!

Cat CBD side effects

There’s always a risk of adverse effects when using any sort of supplement or nutraceutical, however it’s very small. CBD does not have major negative effects, but it can cause nausea, tiredness, and irritability.

Of course, like with any new supplement or medication, it’s important to start slowly and increase the dosage as needed. If you notice significant CBD side effects,  stop using it immediately and speak to your veterinarian.

What is the cat CBD dosage?

CBD doses will differ based on a cat’s weight, age, present health, and diet. If your cat is sick, your veterinarian will advise you on the appropriate cat CBD dosage if one is required and won’t interfere with any other medicines (if applicable).

It’s vital to choose reputable CBD pet brands with consistent dosing instructions when you buy various cat CBD products since many of them have varying potencies. The typical dose for cats is between 1 mg and 5 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. With that in mind, always contact your veterinarian or the manufacturer of the CBD product for the most up-to-date recommendations.

Additionally, you’ll want to double-check for any interactions with other pet medications that your cat may be taking. The ideal guideline with CBD is to start with the lowest dosage level. You may split the dose and give it to your cat twice daily to see how your cat responds to hemp oil that has been fully extracted.

It’s critical to double-check how much CBD and THC is in your product. The dosages of various CBD products vary, therefore the suggested dose will differ. Finding the optimal CBD dosage for your cat will be determined by your cat’s response and should be found when you find a specific dosage range.

How long does it take for CBD to start working in pets?

The speed at which the treatment works varies, too. Some pets’ owners will experience a difference after the first dose, while others may require multiple doses to detect a response. 

The right dosage, as well as age, size, and metabolism, all influence how quickly CBD will start to work for your pet.

Final thoughts on CBD for cats

In conclusion, CBD is a natural, non-toxic, and non-psychoactive compound that can have significant therapeutic benefits for cats. Finding the right dosage for your pet depends on the cat individually and the product you use.

It’s important to consult with your veterinarian before starting your cat on any type of supplement, as they will be able to advise you on the best CBD products and ideal dosage for your feline friend.