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CBD Dosing For Dogs : Things to Consider

What to Consider When Finding Out CBD Dosing For Dogs

Finding the correct CBD oil dosing for dogs may be a tough nut to crack, especially for pet owners who are just getting started with CBD.

Because we have the most expertise with dogs, we’ll use them as an example; nevertheless, the same rules apply to cats and other (mammalian) pets.

There are three things you must consider before getting CBD for your pet:

1. Consumption Method

The sort of CBD product you use, as well as the brand you utilize, influence how much CBD your dog will receive.

CBD products for dogs come in 4 main forms:

  • CBD and Hemp oil
  • Capsules
  • Topical rubs
  • Treats (edibles)

While there are a number of hemp oil and CBD product options for dogs, the most bioavailable is cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp oils. This indicates that less CBD is required to elicit the desired effects.

CBD oil, on the other hand, has a strong flavor that not every dog will enjoy; therefore, CBD dog treats would work in this scenario.

Not only will they taste better, but CBD-rich hemp oil edibles come with a precisely measured CBD dose.

By following these steps, you’ll know exactly how much CBD your dog is receiving.

2. The Size of Your Pet

It’s no surprise that the CBD dosing for dogs varies depending on your dog’s weight. But how do I figure out what dosage is appropriate?

The general guideline is that larger dogs require more CBD to experience the effects than smaller puppies. Some companies provide their own dosage charts depending on your dog’s weight. This makes dosing easier from the start. Continue reading to learn about specific dosing recommendations based on your dog’s size.

3. The Severity of Your Dog’s Condition

Finally, keep in mind that your dog’s health condition may influence the amount of CBD you should give him.

It all depends on the severity of the problem.

If you want to give your dog CBD oil, low amounts are usually sufficient, but if you’re treating anxiety or joint pain, you’ll need to gradually increase the dosage and observe the effects until you find the optimum concentration.

General Guidelines for CBD Dosing For Dogs

The quantity of drops in a CBD oil to fulfill the estimated dosage will vary from product to product depending on its intended usage.

In general, two to four drops taken two to four times a day are advised.

You may also adjust the dosage to fit your pet’s size and condition, as we’ve previously discussed.

A CBD pill, on the other hand, will usually contain 5-20 milligrams of CBD. The recommended daily intake for encapsulated CBD is 1 tablet once or twice a day.

Treats for pets will contain varying amounts of CBD.

Always check for dosage instructions at the back of the package if you’re buying CBD from an online source. If it does, follow the directions exactly.

In reality, regardless of the product you’re using, we always advocate adhering to the dosage directions that came with it and varying it as necessary.

If you have a dog who is not used to being drugged, start low and work your way up gradually once you know how your dog will react. 

If you’re interested in learning more about why they make CBD for dogs, you can read more about it on our website.

Figuring Out How Much CBD Dosing for Dogs By Size

We’ll simplify things for you by explaining how to pick the proper dose for your dog depending on their weight (measured in pounds).

Some individuals like to start with a tiny dose, regardless of their dog’s size, and build up from there.

1 mg is a good place to start. This allows you to gradually work your way up to the optimal dosage without wasting too much CBD oil.

Let’s begin by comparing how much CBD a dog should receive to its own body weight, based on the size of each creature.

1. Small (2-15 lbs)

The minuscule amount of CBD required by tiny dogs may appear to be enough at first. However, there’s a catch. Tiny dogs have a fast metabolism, which means they require more CBD on a daily basis. Instead of administering only one or two doses per day, as with bigger dogs, you’ll need to administer 3-4 doses each

The first CBD dose of 1 mg might be enough for your dog if he or she is in discomfort.

For anxiety-related disorders, we recommend administering half a milligram of oil and a few drops every three to five days until the animal shows improvement. As for a regimen, it’s advisable to start with CBD twice daily.

You may gradually increase the dosage until your dog experiences alleviation each time you wish to do so.

Nonetheless, in tiny dogs, don’t exceed 15 mg CBD doses.

Remember that these are all approximations, and should not be treated as medical advice or a veterinary prescription.

2. Medium-Small (15 – 30 lbs)

We’ve conducted extensive research on different CBD doses for medium dogs, and we found that many people are successful with a 2 mg dose, which can be increased by 3 mg until they get some results.

This data is concerned with dogs suffering pain or arthritis.

For psychological conditions and poor appetite, try using half the dose prescribed (1 mg of CBD).

This should enough for most medium-sized dogs. Dog owners that want to assist their friends with anxiety should gradually increase the amount of CBD administered, but not more than 2 mg per day, and they should avoid doing so.

The maximum amount of CBD a dog weighing approximately 30 kg can take on a daily basis is roughly 20 mg.

3. Medium-Large

As a result, larger dogs require more CBD to achieve the same effects as smaller dogs.

What is the first dose of CBD for dogs with general pain? Depending on the severity of the discomfort, a 1-3 mg dose of CBD is often assumed to be an appropriate starting point.

For behavioral issues (lack of attention), psychological problems (anxiety, panic), and an inadequate appetite, the suggested starting dose is 1 mg administered twice a day.

If these steps aren’t enough to help your dog’s condition, keep a close eye on his behavior. If not, don’t increase the dose more than 2 mg at a time.

For a canine of this size, the greatest CBD dosage is 30 mg per day.

4. Large (60 – 150 lbs)

Owners of big dogs should follow the same basic precautions as medium-large dogs.

With big dogs, you can anticipate a larger dose, however it’s a good idea to start out small by 3 mg per dose and gradually work your way up until you notice results.

The Correct CBD Dosing For Dogs With Different CBD Products

Now that you know how much CBD your dog or cat requires, you may be wondering how this corresponds to different CBD products. After all, not all CBD products have the same amount of CBD.

Calculating the correct amount of Cannabidiol might resemble a scene from the “Beautiful Mind” film, so we’ll assist you out a little. We’ve compiled comprehensive information about CBD dosing for dogs in terms of popular strengths and dosages below.

1. CBD or Hemp Oil

CBD oil for dogs is available in various strengths, with 150, 300, and 600 mg being the most popular. The following are the basic dosage recommendations for CBD of this sort.

Here’s a simple guide to the different CBD concentrations in drops.

CBH farmers are unaware of the name we give to these foods, however they have been encouraged to eat healthy and ripe, straight off the plant. This all comes at a cost, as some CBD companies believe that their CBD products should be consumed right after being harvested or even when they’re still growing in the field.

Recommended CBD Dosing For Dogs Based On Size & CBD Oil Concentrations

Small Dogs(2 – 15 lbs)

Medium-Small Dogs(15 – 30 lbs)

Medium-Large Dogs(30 – 60 Lbs)

Large Dogs(60 – 150 lbs)

CBD Dose In mg

0.5 – 3.75 mg

5 – 7.5 mg

7.5 – 15 mg

15 – 38 mg

150 mg

CBD Dose In mL

0.05 – 0.4 mL(2 – 16 drops)

0.5 – 0.75 mL(20 – 30)

0.75 – 1.5 mL(30 – 60 drops)

1.5 – 4 mL(60 – 150 drops)

0.03 – 0.2 mL(1 – 8 drops)

0.25 – 0.4 mL(10 – 16 drops)

0.4 – 0.75 mL(15 – 30 drops)

0.75 – 2 mL(30 – 80 drops)

How To Calculate The CBD Dosing For Dogs Yourself

At this point, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a pattern in the dosage calculations. This may be expressed as a straightforward equation.

You see, no matter what we said before in this post, determining the right amount of CBD to give your dog is quite simple. Here’s the dosage calculation:

0.25 mg x 1lb of body mass = Regular Dose

This is particularly beneficial for owners of tiny dogs who weigh less than 15 pounds. So, if your pet weighs 8 pounds, here’s the equation:

0.25 mg x 8 lbs = 2 mg of CBD

We must now find out the dose for the dog based on the CBD oil concentration. To do so, we need to know how much CBD is in each mL.

If you’re wondering what to do if your CBD oil isn’t working, keep reading. Based on most CBD oils, here’s the solution:

  • 150 mg = 10 mg per mL
  • 300 mg = 20 mg per mL
  • 600 mg = 40 mg per mL

The formula for the next step is:

[regular dose in mg of CBD] / [mg CBD per mL] = Dose in mL

Let’s pretend you bought some CBD oil with 150 mg of CBD. For example, calculation would be: Let’s assume you purchased 150 mg of CBD oil.

2 mg CBD / 10 mg/mL = 0.20 mL of a 150 mg CBD Oil

The next step is to convert this value to drops in order to make dosage simpler. Since most droppers contain 40 drops for every milliliter, the calculation will be:

[Dose in mL] x 40 = Dose In Drops

For our case, the calculation would be:

0.20 x 40 = 8 drops

Double Checking Your Dose Calculations

The easiest method to determine whether you’re correct or incorrect is to compare your dosage to the directions on the container.

If you and your date are a match, you can be proud of your math abilities! You’ve done an excellent job.

How Do I Give CBD Oil To My Dog?

In an ideal world, CBD oil should be directly applied to a dog’s mouth and if it goes under the tongue, even better.

Owners of companion animals claim that their pets enjoy licking CBD oil, and after a couple of weeks, they get used to the routine.

However, that isn’t always possible with all breeds of dogs. Many dogs aren’t fond of CBD oil and may find it unpalatable. If the direct approach fails, consider feeding your dog CBD tinctures. You might need to move to capsules or other forms if this doesn’t work.

CBD Capsules

CBD pills are a fantastic option for dogs with the so-called French taste. You should inspect various concentrations accessible on the market when attempting to determine the correct dosage for your pet.

Know Your Potency

Capsules for dogs and cats are frequently available in 150, 300, and 600 mg bottles, much like CBD oil.

How much CBD is there in a capsule? This is determined by the potency of your bottle.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • 150 mg: 1 capsule contains 5 mg of CBD
  • 300 mg: 1 capsule contains 10 mg of CBD
  • 600 mg: 1 capsule contains 20 mg of CBD

Follow the dosage directions on the bottle for capsules. Depending on how the capsules are made and what else is in them, the dose might differ significantly.

How to Administer CBD Capsules for Dogs

You’re striving to ensure that your pet gets every bit of the capsule. Canned supplements are far easier to administer than liquid oils.

A CBD capsule can be administered in three ways:

  1. The Mix Method: Open the capsule and combine the contents with your dog’s regular food.
  2. The Sneak Method: Wrap the capsule in a treat or some bacon to disguise it.
  3. The Vet Method: Pop it into your dog’s mouth and hold it shut for a few seconds. This is how veterinarians do it, as it works!

Simple as that!

CBD Topical Rubs

CBD topical rubs are helpful in treating specific pain or enhancing joint mobility in dogs. Here’s what you need to know about using CBD topicals for pets.

General Guidelines

Consult a veterinarian before applying a CBD topical rub to your dog’s afflicted regions.

Topical CBD products are the least studied Cannabidiol consumption route in dogs, and there are no established dosage guidelines.

However, if you’re unfamiliar with CBD or simply want a few pointers on where to start and how to increase the dosage as needed, an expert CBD-friendly veterinarian should be able to assist you.

How to Administer CBD Topical Rubs for Dogs

It’s a simple as walking through the park.

All you have to do is massage the rub/cream on the afflicted area and allow it to permeate into your skin.

Because CBD topicals take longer to work, observe your dog’s behavior within an hour after the application.

CBD Treats

The most enjoyable way to give CBD to your dog is in a treat form. What can’t dogs enjoy? A bag of CBD goodies typically contains about 30 pieces, however this varies considerably based on the products you choose.

Treats are a fantastic method of getting CBD into your dog, but determining the dosage might be tough. Different producers will create various potencies, and there aren’t yet any defined dosages for this.

5mg of CBD each is a popular choice among manufacturers, but this isn’t always the case. It’s good practice to double-check the manufacturer’s dosage recommendations when giving your dog CBD-rich snacks.

Risks And Considerations Of Using CBD With your Dog

Cannabidiol, a chemical component of cannabis, has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a safe, non-toxic substance with a wide range of health advantages.

Your dog should not experience any negative effects from CBD as long as you avoid high doses.

However, if you went overboard, here’s what to anticipate:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea

CBD has very few negative side effects, and aside from that there’s nothing to be concerned about. CBD can be taken on a regular basis without developing tolerance or suffering severe adverse effects, especially when compared to pharmaceutical options.

In Summary Of CBD Dosing For Dogs

Remember, the above suggestions are only guidelines and should not be treated as medical advice.

CBD has a broad range of dosages, when it comes to CBD dosing for dogs, so you can experiment with various doses and still stay within the range prescribed in the dosage tables above.

After all, Cannabidiol is non-toxic and has no severe side effects when used with your dog.

If you’re not sure how much CBD oil to give your dog, see a specialist who is knowledgeable in the subject.

When using products you’re not familiar with or completely comfortable with, feel free to contact the manufacturer for recommendations.