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Is CBD Oil for Cats Healthy?

Many cat owners are concerned about how to assist their cats cope with anxiety. It may take something substantial to generate worry for some cats, while even the smallest changes in daily life can be a cause for concern for others. Some cat owners will look into behavioral treatment, while others will consult with their veterinarians about using drugs. Then there are those who don’t know what to do. Cat owners want their pets to be healthy and happy, whether it’s chronic generalized anxiety or situational anxiety.

With the growing appeal of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, more individuals are turning to CBD for their pets to help with both physical and behavioral issues. Despite the fact that the CBD (cannabidiol) market is generating a lot of interest, there is still much uncertainty about whether or not it is backed by science and whether or not claims made by companies are backed by evidence. Despite that, cat owners are attracted by anecdotal evidence and start buying CBD products. Is CBD oil for cats a miracle cure for anxiety? Is it safe and effective? Based on all of the success stories you’d think so, but it’s not as simple as that.

What is CBD Oil?

The primary component in cannabis is CBD. To be considered CBD, the oil must contain less than 0.3 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). As a result, CBD does not produce any psychotropic effects. The fact that CBD oil for cats has therapeutic advantages without producing psychotropic side-effects makes it more appealing to cat owners when compared to other drugs for pets.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Cats?

The major issue is that the CBD market is still relatively young and unsanctioned, making it difficult for consumers to know what they’re getting. How can customers be sure they’re receiving a product that’s been accurately labeled? Veterinarians have precise knowledge on proper dosages, possible side effects, contraindications, toxicity levels, and treatment duration when it comes to regulated veterinary medicines. There’s also conflicting information about CBD, as well as whether the CBD oil in the product is of good quality. There’s a chance there isn’t any CBD oil in the product whatsoever, depending on where it was purchased. Depending on the manufacturing facility, a customer can’t be sure that the CBD oil is safe for pets. It’s possible that improperly prepared CBD oils with higher amounts of THC might be poisonous to pets.

Other Risks of CBD Oil in Cats

Another major concern is that some cat owners may be conducting their own assessment on a cat and avoiding the veterinarian visit all together. Not getting an accurate diagnosis can be dangerous to the cat or even kill it. Anxiety and stress might be symptoms of a medical condition that needs attention.Although the cat may respond favorably to CBD, it does not suffer from other factors for anxiety such as intercat conflict, changes in the home environment, and other potential stresses. Suppressing a behavior issue is not the same as identifying, understanding, and resolving it.

Safe and Effective Ways to Help Treat Anxiety in Cats

If your cat appears nervous or disturbed, see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Before assuming a problem is only behavioral, rule out any medical reasons.

You can try these methods to help relieve your cat’s tension:

Hiding places:  Cats use hiding as a valuable coping technique. Providing your cat numerous hiding locations in the house is a smart idea. A-frame beds, boxes on their sides, paper bags without handles, cubbies, and cat tunnels are all good examples. These allow cats to feel “invisible” and relax easily.

Interactive Playtime: Play isn’t only about exercise and amusement. Playtime is a valuable therapy that aids in the production of feel-good neurotransmitters. At least two interactive play sessions with your cat each day are recommended. Use a fishing pole-type toy to mimic prey movement, allowing your cat to stalk, pounce, and capture it.

Food Puzzles: A cat’s natural hunting instinct may be exercised through the use of puzzle feeders. Puzzle feeders should be difficult yet not frustrating to keep the excitement high. To keep your cat engaged with the activity, fill a puzzle feeder with low-calorie, delicious snacks. Food puzzles, just like interactive playtime, also help to release feel-good chemicals into the brain.

Desensitization: To get your cat acclimated with things like being in a carrier, automobile travel, strange humans, and handling, start by teaching him or her how to accept these activities. Positive and kind training will encourage your cat to become more comfortable with each new stage of life.

Pheromone Therapy: There are synthetic feline facial pheromone products on the market that may help cats link things and locations with comfort and familiarity. Sprays and diffusers are available.

Provide Choice: Don’t be fooled by the word “choice.” It’s vital to give cats options. Cats should have the option of engaging or retreating. Anxiety can be induced through forced contact, restraint, or stroking. Pay attention to a cat’s body language to determine whether you are being invited closer or asked to keep your distance.

Play Music: Classical and soothing music may soothe your cat. Music is also available for cats, including classical and soft CDs and downloads, to help relieve stress and anxiety. Music is used at many shelters to reduce stress.

Reduce Intercat Aggression: By creating an environment in which cats don’t have to compete for resources, you can reduce anxiety and tension between them. Increased number and locations of litter boxes, separate feeding stations, added bed locations, higher perches, and sufficient scratching posts are some examples that may assist.

Perches and Cat Trees: Your cat requires raised perches and climbing surfaces. It will allow him to escape from any commotion on the ground level. Increased vertical territory can also assist with multicat stress alleviation. When cats are elevated, many of them feel safer.

Quality Time Together: You could be the greatest anxiety-reducer for your cat. Make special efforts to spend quality time with your cat in ways that he finds pleasurable. Some cats prefer to be physically close to their human family members, while others enjoy being near as you read or watch television. When cats are left alone too much, they may become nervous.

Let in some Sun Shine: Open the drapes and let your cat enjoy the sunlight. Some cats like looking out of the windows as well.

Call in a Professional: If you can’t relieve your cat’s anxiety and feel you need further assistance, look for a veterinary behaviorist or a certified cat behavior consultant. A behaviorist may be able to assist you in uncovering the source of your cat’s anxiety and devising a treatment strategy that is suited to your pet.


Although CBD is currently being studied, there hasn’t been enough research on its efficacy and safety. We are looking forward to additional study on the subject.