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Pet CBD Products 101 : Everything You Need To Know

Pet CBD Products for Your Dog

CBD is one of the most discussed holistic wellness solutions, and it’s no surprise why. This holistic cure, on the other hand, raises a number of concerns.

If you’re new to the subject of CBD and how it might benefit your four-legged companion, you may be wondering a lot of things. What is it? How does it work? Is it safe? Is it powerful? One of the tasks in obtaining all of your key pet CBD products questions answered is learning about all of the numerous CBD benefits for dogs.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at CBD, the many applications it may be used in, and how it might be the ideal holistic choice for your dog!

What is CBD?

Let’s start with the fundamentals. What exactly is CBD, and where does it come from? What kind of pet CBD products are out there?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical component of the cannabis plant that has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects. It’s short for “cannabidiol,” which refers to any of numerous cannabinoids present in marijuana that are not THC.

Marijuana and hemp are the two kinds of cannabis. The major distinction between the two plants is in their THC content. The marijuana plant is high in THC, the psychoactive component of which is known for. The hemp plant, on the other hand, has low amounts of THC – generally no more than .3 percent. Both hemp and cannabis plants may be used to grow CBD. However, because CBD is derived from the hemp variety, it’s used in dog-friendly CBD products.

Is Pet CBD Products legal?

Hemp-derived CBD products are lawful in all 50 states, so you’ll never have to worry about issues with access.

Will CBD get your dog high?

Only CBD from the marijuana variety of cannabis plants has high levels of THC (the chemical that gives you “high” effects), as stated above.

Since hemp-derived CBD products only contain trace amounts of THC (0.3% or less), you don’t have to worry about your pet experiencing any kind of high.

Hemp-derived CBD is also non-addictive, according to several sources. Your dog will not become dependent on CBD and may instead benefit from its numerous health and wellness advantages.

How does CBD work?

Cannabinoids, such as CBD, interact with the endocannabinoid system when they are introduced into the body.

The endocannabinoid system, like any other regulatory mechanism in the body, such as the immune system or the central nervous system, can be likened to a computerized circuit board.

The endocannabinoid system, in particular, has a significant impact on such basic functions as appetite, sleep, pain response, and mood.

Our endocannabinoid system is similar to yours and your dogs’. In reality, the system is present in all mammalian bodies, where it aims to correct any abnormalities in order to achieve homeostasis, a.k.a. optimal functioning of and steady equilibrium among our internal processes.

So how does the endocannabinoid system work exactly?

The endocannabinoid system, in a nutshell, is made up of cannabinoid receptors known as CB1 and CB2. The following image depicts the locations of these receptors throughout the body, including vital organs such as the brain and lungs and important systems such as the immune system and blood circulation.

Cannabinoids, such as CBD, enter the body and interact with the endocannabinoid system by binding to and activating CB1 and CB2 receptors directly or indirectly.

The interactions between CBD and the various cannabinoids are what result in any potential health advantages that a person (or animal) may gain when using CBD or other cannabinoids.

When cannabis-derived cannabinoids, such as THC, stimulate CB1 receptors at the spinal cord and brain level, they can enhance pain relief. Activating the CB2 receptors can assist with the body’s natural inflammatory response.

How Can My Dog Benefit from Pet CBD Products?

Let’s take a look at the external indications that CBD has an impact on your dog now that we’ve discussed how CBD works on the molecular level.

CBD for Mobility

Changes in mobility are typical as your dog gets older. Perhaps he can no longer enjoy his daily walks the way he used to, or perhaps he has trouble climbing the stairs at home.

CBD can help with this, too. CBD promotes joint health and flexibility, provides connective tissue support, and can assist with occasional joint stiffness by maintaining joint mobility and promoting bone health.

It’s no surprise that so many of our client success stories revolve around senior dogs who were given the spring back in their step by CBD!

CBD for Pain

Do you know how to tell if your dog is in pain? Dogs are notorious for masking their discomfort, a trait that they picked up while hunting wild prey. Typically, by the time a dog manifests his or her discomfort, it has already grown more severe.

Naturally, no dog owner wants to see his or her pet in pain. Whether your pooch is healing from an injury or undergoing a surgical procedure, CBD can assist with any discomfort he or she may be experiencing as a result of normal aging or routine daily activity and movement.

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to minor stiffness and discomfort as well as healthy cellular function and normal muscle recovery.

CBD for Stress

Dogs, like humans, can be affected by stress. A dog may be stressed or apprehensive for a variety of reasons, including loud noises (such as thunderstorms and fireworks), changes in the household (such as bringing a new baby home or having family over for a special gathering), changes to their regular routine (such as traveling, hospitalization, or moving into a new home).

Although it’s true that generalization isn’t as big of an issue for problem dogs (dogs with behavior issues), there are times when you may simply have a dog on your hands who is suffering from hyperactivity. Excess energy is frequently to blame for hyperactivity, resulting in destructive behavior.

Fortunately, CBD can assist. CBD has a soothing influence on the nerves that promotes relaxation in animals and fosters emotional equilibrium. It aids animals in dealing with external pressures (including those caused by pollution) and circumstances that might induce anxiety while also maintaining a calm demeanor.

CBD for Wellness

Similarly, dogs can benefit from immune-boosting foods and holistic choices, particularly in their senior years, when extra assistance might make a significant difference in their quality of life.

CBD has been shown to support immune function and other aspects of health, as well as long-term wellness. CBD also promotes long-term health, helps people maintain both physical and mental fitness, and aids in the maintenance of healthy heart and brain function.

Is CBD safe for pets?

Cannabis oils that contain a high concentration of CBD are perfectly safe for your dog as long as they come from the hemp variety of the cannabis plant.

However, products made from marijuana are not safe for animal consumption since they generally include high amounts of THC and can thus be harmful to animals.

Hemp-derived CBD is considered to be quite safe for pets, with most pet owners reporting mild lethargy at the start of the introduction process. That is one of the reasons why CBD is so popular among pet parents.

The most common adverse effects are listed below, but every dog is different, and you may notice that your four-legged friend experiences none of these symptoms.

The most crucial thing is to carefully observe your dog’s behavior and activity levels after introducing CBD (and to gradually introduce it), so that you may determine the proper dosage for your dog.

Most Common Reported Side Effects:

Dry Mouth

Saliva is a major component of tooth brushing. When CBD is consumed, there may be an increase in saliva production. This generally shows up as an increased thirst in your pet. Make sure that your dog has constant access to clean water so he can quench his thirst as needed.

Slight Lethargy

CBD can help to relax pets, so your four-legged friend may appear drowsy when they’re first introduced to CBD. This is great if you’re using CBD to treat anxiety or stress in your dog, but if your dog ever gets too sleepy, you may always change the dose.

Lowered Blood Pressure

If you give your dog too much CBD, it might cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. Although the drop is modest, it can produce lightheadedness in your pet. When giving CBD to your dog, keep track of their weight and stick to the recommended dosage range for their size.


If you’ve ever added a new diet or supplement to your dog’s healthcare program, you probably know that diarrhea is almost always a side effect. This time, the stomach upset is not due to the CBD itself but rather to the carrier oil used in the product. This is why it’s critical to carefully introduce CBD to your dog over time, as this allows his body to adapt. It’s also a good idea to serve CBD with meals rather than on an empty stomach.

What is the best pet CBD brand?

Not all pet CBD products are created equal.

This is one of the most important reasons why learning about your CBD facts before purchasing a product for yourself or your pet is so crucial.

CBD companies and suppliers can extend their reach by collaborating with other businesses. This is especially important since no official governing bodies regulate the CBD industry, so it’s all too easy to find low-quality items or even products that don’t contain any CBD at all, despite what their labeling claims.

Because of this, here are seven items that should be on your checklist if you’re looking for a CBD firm:

1. Hemp-derived CBD only!

It also ensures that your CBD is legal in all 50 states, as well as that your CBD product doesn’t include high traces of THC, which can be detrimental to your pet. (Ultimately, a Certificate of Analysis will offer you the most comprehensive analysis of your CBD, which we’ll get into later on this list).

2. Full-spectrum CBD oil is king!

Avoid broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate, and go for whole-spectrum CBD instead. Again, full-spectrum CBD has more cannabinoids and studies show that these compounds work together synergistically to provide the greatest health benefits for you or your pet. In a nutshell, the greater the amount of cannabinoids, the better. Some firms will claim that CBD isolate is a more pure product because it contains only CBD and nothing else. CBD isolate, on the other hand, is simply cheaper to produce since it eliminates all of the other cannabinoids throughout the manufacturing process. While full-spectrum CBD has health advantages, whole-spectrum CBD is more powerful.

3. CBD products should be natural and all organic.

The way the cannabis plant is cultivated has an impact on its quality, much as organic food does. The proper methods for growing cannabis require plants that have not been sprayed with pesticides or other hazardous chemicals. The way the CBD is extracted also has an impact, with CO2 extraction being the top choice. It generates cleaner, purer, and healthier hemp CBD oil. Furthermore, CBD pet items should be non-GMO and soy-, dairy- and corn-free.

4. Buy from a CBD company that is compliant with The National Animal Supplement Council.

The National Association for Substance-Free Collectors (NASC) promotes ethical business practices and products that are 100 percent guaranteed to be secure and of the highest quality. To guarantee that their supplements (including CBD) are top-of-the-line, NASC-certified firms must go through rigorous quality inspections. The NASC seal of approval is a reliable method to identify high-quality CBD for your pet. There are presently no formal governing bodies in the CBD sector that regulate it, so the NASC seal of approval is an excellent way to ensure you’re buying good stuff.

5. A Certificate of Analysis (or COA) will show exactly how much CBD a product contains.

A Certificate of Analysis is something that any respectable business should be able to supply you with. It’s a bad sign if they can’t or refuse to. This vital document ensures that your CBD product is free of hazardous chemicals, as well as providing an in-depth analysis of all the different cannabinoids and terpenes present in it. CBD products with terpenes are derived from the cannabis plant and contain them to create particular desired effects; some, for example, are particularly good at relaxing the body while others can be used to aid inflammation. A Certificate of Analysis will also allow you to verify that the amount of THC in your product does not exceed 0.3 percent.

6. Play detective and research any CBD company you’re considering.

Check to see whether the firm is in good standing with the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. Simply search for “FDA dog CBD” on Google and you’ll be presented with a list of offenders who have previously made fraudulent claims about their goods. Customer evaluations are an excellent source of information about a company’s reputation and customer service, so always look up a firm’s BBB rating.

7. Ensure the CBD has been lab-tested by a third party and not a company that the retailer is affiliated with.

The name, address, phone number, and, in some cases, even the website of the lab that produced the CBD should be included on the Certificate of Analysis. nWe use the same method for producing and verifying our certificates of analysis as we do for all of our laboratory services. This guarantees that the Certificate of Analysis is correct and genuine since it includes all necessary information.

Pet CBD Products for Your Dog – Final Thoughts and Next Steps

CBD is sweeping across the holistic sector, and it’s easy to understand why.

People from all walks of life are turning to this holistic option for a variety of reasons, including defending free radicals and stimulating healthy immune function, as well as promoting relaxation and assisting with minor aches and pains.

Fortunately, our beloved four-legged companions can now join the wonderful world of CBD, thanks to CBD pet businesses that are committed to producing the finest CBD goods for dogs and cats to support their health and happiness.