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How To Stop Dog From Snoring: 14 Simple Steps to Stop Your Dog

Sleeping with a dog that snores can be quite unpleasant, especially if it shares your bed or sleeps in the same room as you. Snoring is not always a sign of an underlying health condition, so it shouldn’t be dismissed even if the snoring isn’t severe. So, how to stop a dog from snoring? What can you do as a pet owner?

The 14 Steps: How To Stop Dog from Snoring

We’ve compiled a complete list of strategies to assist you have a restful sleep and improve the quality of your pet’s sleep. JWe’ll go through the obvious and not-so-obvious snoring cures you may attempt right away to assist you get a better night’s sleep. Here are the 14 easy stages you can take to reduce or eliminate your pet’s snoring.


The first step in stopping snoring is to identify which dog breeds are prone to it. The snoring problem is most prevalent among brachycephalic or short-headed dogs. Brachycephalic breeds include Bulldogs, Boxers, Pugs, Sih-Tzus Himalayans, and a variety of other dogs. The curled in noses on these dogs restricts the amount of room in their nasal cavities, making it difficult for them to breathe and causing them to snore. If you have a sensitive hearing and need to get a good night’s sleep, you should avoid acquiring one of these dogs.

Change their sleeping position

This may be as simple as gently prodding them to roll over or alter their sleeping posture, which is enough to cause the snoring to cease. Even a non-snoring dog might periodically fall asleep with his head in an odd position that causes snoring.

Use A Pillow

If your pet prefers to sleep in the same posture but a little nudge didn’t work, a pillow may be beneficial. Propping up your pet’s head with a pillow can often reduce snoring by allowing enough breathing space for your dog.

Use a round bed

If your dog lies in the same posture every night and results in snoring, consider using a circular bed.

Natural changes in raised beds alter your dog’s sleeping posture, causing him to sleep more curled up than straight, which frequently results in less snoring.

Clean the bedding

Now we start to get into some aspects of pet care that not everyone thinks about. Your dog’s bed can accumulate dander, soil, dust mites, oils, pollen, nicotine, and other pollutants over time.

Any of these pollutants can cause a minor allergic reaction in your pet, causing his or her nasal cavities to fill up with mucous and restricting airflow, resulting in snoring. Washing and replacing the bedding on a regular basis may help to alleviate or cure the snoring.

Use an air purifier

Pollen, automobile exhaust, and cigarette smoke are just a few of the particles that may be present in the air. We all breathe pollutants from cars, cigarettes, and other items on a daily basis.

It’s difficult to avoid earwigs if you have a cat or dog. They lay eggs in your hair and can produce an allergic reaction that causes stuffy noses, which cause breathing difficulties and snoring. To reduce pollutants, you may use a personal air filter to decrease the amount of harmful particles in the air. There’s less potential for an allergic reaction because there are fewer pollutants.

Use a humidifier

Damp air can cause the sinuses to crack, which may lead to them drying out and cracking. Swelling might develop around the afflicted region as a result of this, causing discomfort and making it difficult to breathe.

During the winter months, when radiators and other heat sources remove all of the water vapor from the air, dry sinuses are quite typical. You can use a humidifier to replenish the moisture in the air if you believe dry air is causing your pet’s discomfort. Humidifiers are simple to come by and can be acquired at most large shopping malls or online.

Diet and exercise

Another explanation for snoring in your pet might be obesity. The fat molecules may accumulate in the neck and face, putting pressure on the air passageways, as your dog grows heavier. When these passageways are shut off too much, it makes breathing difficult and causes snoring. Maintaining your pet’s ideal weight for its size can significantly reduce snoring and extend its life.

Look for signs of infection

We’ve said that dry nasal passages can lead to an infection that impairs airflow, but this is also true of other types of infections. Snoring is caused by a variety of factors, including infections in the face or neck area, which can pinch off airways and cause snoring. If you detect any swelling or discomfort in your pet’s face or neck region, take him to the doctor immediately.

Dental care

Dental decay is one of the most frequent reasons for facial swelling and infections. Cavities, a fractured or chipped tooth, and numerous other dental issues can result in air passage-area edema.

It’s even more difficult if your pet has a dental issue since it isn’t always simple to tell if he or she is ill without seeing the veterinarian, so you’ll need to look for swelling and an aversion to eating in order to identify a dental problem quickly.

The easiest approach to avoid dental issues is to brush your pet’s teeth manually and feed him or her dry kibble. Use a canine toothpaste when manually brushing your dog’s teeth, since many types of human toothpaste contain the artificial sweetener Xylitol that can be harmful to dogs, even in tiny dosages.


A blockage can also be a contributing cause of restricted airways, as well as a tumor or an object that is wedged inside. The only thing you can do in either scenario is bring your pet to the veterinarian for treatment.


Since we’ve been discussing several medical problems that can cause your pet to snore, it’s important to note that any therapy they’re taking to cope with a health condition might also do so.

Certain medications, such as pain relievers and tranquilizers, can induce snoring in your pet. If your pet has started taking a drug that causes them to snore, you might consider switching brands to see if there is a different option.


Unfortunately, snoring surgery may be the only option for alleviating it. Surgery can aid in the formation of airways in dogs with scrunched-in faces. It can also remove tumors, malignant teeth, and other foreign objects that obstruct airflow and cause snoring.

However, surgery is costly and may be hazardous to your pet’s health, so you’ll need to talk with your veterinarian about the best response under the circumstances.


Finally, if everything else fails or surgery is not an option, you may want to consider purchasing a commercial product called SnoreStop. It’s available for both humans and animals, and it only contains natural ingredients.

It has been on the market since 1995, so there is some evidence that it works. The only drawback with this solution is that it does not work for everyone’s dogs and may only decrease snoring somewhat.


There are a number of solutions to stop or reduce your pet’s snoring, and we recommend starting with the simplest ones. The round bed is ideal since there’s no need for your pet to use it again once they’ve sat on it.

Otherwise, you’d need to tap them on the nose every time they snore, which might be inconvenient. Air purifiers are an excellent way to clean the air. During pollen season, or if a family member smokes, they’re especially helpful. Humidifiers may be useful in the winter, and SnoreStop is a fantastic option when other approaches fail. You can also look towards other methods such as CBD.

If your puppy or dog is suffering from any of the more severe illnesses that require a veterinarian’s care, you’ve done all you could.

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